1. 询问信息:
Excuse me, where is the checkin counter? (打扰一下,值机柜台在哪里?)
Could you tell me where the baggage claim is, please?(请问行李领取处怎么走?)

Is this the line for international flights?(这是国际航班的排队处吗?)
2. 请求帮助:
I seem to be lost, could you help me find my gate?(我好像迷路了,你能帮我找到登机口吗?)
Excuse me, I can't find my boarding pass, can you assist me?(打扰一下,我找不到登机牌了,你能帮帮我吗?)
1. 入住登记:
I have a reservation under the name of [Your Name].(我预订了一间房,姓名是XXX。)
Could you please tell me where the elevator is?(请问电梯在哪里?)
2. 房间设施问题:
Excuse me, the air conditioning seems to be broken in my room.(打扰一下,我房间的空调好像坏了。)
There is no hot water in my shower, could you send someone to fix it?(我的淋浴没有热水,能派人来修一下吗?)
1. 寻求信息:
Excuse me, what time does the museum open and close?(打扰一下,博物馆什么时间开门和关门?)
Is there a guided tour available in English?(有英文导览吗?)
2. 请求帮助:
I lost my group, could you direct me to the meeting point?(我迷路了,你能告诉我集合地点在哪里吗?)
Excuse me, my camera battery is dead, do you know where I can buy a new one?(打扰一下,我的相机电池没电了,你知道哪里能买到新的吗?)